< > Showing 15 of 5 commentsJan 05, 11 · The ammo is obviously seriously limited, the damage doesn't seem to be quite as impressive as it was in Fallout 3 and overall you're much better off with the YCS/186 which doesn't spawnAbout the YCS/186 in Fallout New Vegas Hello guys, i'm playing Fallout New Vegas with a crit enery weapon build, but very often when i hit an enemy with the YCS/186 the weapon doesn't do any damage (or a very poor damage)

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폴아웃 뉴베가스 ycs/186-Jul 09, 18 · The best gun in the Fallout series was in desperate need of a 3D printable model, something that would have serious attention to detail I have recreated the YCS/186 using Fusion 360 over the course of many hours This is, to my knowledge, the best model currently availableFallout New Vegas How to find the YCS/186 Gauss rifleSee the Fallout New Vegas Guide Herehttp//wwwpcoffensivecom/home/indexphp/guides/gamingguides/5

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Apr 23, 21 · The YCS/186 Gauss rifle is found at the mercenary camp east of Brooks tumbleweed ranch A hostile mercenary with reinforced combat armor or reinforced combat armor mark 2 is carrying this weapon and will attack the player character onThe YCS/186 is a unique variant of the Gauss rifle It looks like a standard Gauss rifle, but with a sandy or rusted texture along the barrel and main body, and it sports black stripes on the wooden stock It has four more coils around the barrel, possibly explaining the greater weight and damage, while remaining the same lengthBuy at this storeSee Detail Online And Read Customers Reviews New Vegas Best Ammo For Ycs 186 prices throughout the online source See people who buy
Nov 22, 12 · The Ycs/186 is far more versatile especially outside of vats and with the inclusion of max charge ammo One to two sneak crits will kill every legendary creature in the game You can also use scrounger and the brotherhood ammo reward crate inUser Info compy439 compy439 7 years ago #2WonderHowTo This gun is one of the unique weapons you can find in the game Fallout New Vegas, and is a more than respectable rifle Follow along with this walkthrough, and you can discover where this rifle is hidden within the desert
Dec 04, 12 · I love YCS/186, but it was a little overpowering (and this coming from a guy that uses medicine stick & a ranger sequoia), so it ended up staying at home most of the time (although it and "that gun" made a great "weapon loadout" for a post apocalyptic cowboy)Oct 25, 10 · YCS/186 LocationMercenary Camp Get wild wasteland trust, and get this Gaus Rifle from mercenary camp Vance's Submachine Gun LocationWins HideoutToday we check out the YCS/186!

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🗡️ YCS/186 is a weapon in Fallout Vegas Commands Click to see and compare its stats, including damage per shot, damager per second, critical chanceNov 18, 10 · How To Find the YCS/186 Gauss rifle in Fallout New Vegas By Rachel J;Jan 16, 11 · I am unable to modify the gauss rifle nor the YCS/186 Every time I try I get the "weapon cannot be modified" message I tried it with and without EVE and its compatibility patch and the weapon mod menu Those are the only mods that relate to guns that I have installed I also tried reinstalling WMX both the main one and DLC, nothing helps

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What one do you think is better, personally I like the YCS/186 more because it is, if I remember correctly, is the most powerful energy weapon while also having a common power source, whereas the Alien Blaster, while being bloody powerful and having pinpoint accuracy (don't quote me on that I'm not 100% sure,) only has a limited amount of ammoJun , 14 · YCS/186 ok so i want this rifle i took the wild wasteland perk because i thought fighting aliens and getting a unique alien blaster would be cool but the gauss rifle is obviously a much better weapon can i type in a code to get the rifle?Apr 03, 19 · The YCS/186 looks like a standard Gauss rifle, but with a sandy, rusted texture along the barrel and main body It sports Darker wooden stock and has 4 more coils around the barrel, explaining the greater weight and damage, while remaining the same length

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This basically means any weapon not called the rocket launcher, antimateriel rifle, Gauss Rifle, YCS186, Holorifle, Fatman, or Alien Blaster will only do Scratch Damage Joshua *glares at a Courier pointing their weapon at him* Make the first shot count You won't get a secondMar 26, 21 · 1 YCS/186 This wouldn't be a proper energy weapons list if the YCS/186 wasn't in here Many New Vegas fans consider this to be one of the strongest weapons in the game, and they aren't wrong Dealing a whopping 140 damage with each shot, very few enemies will survive a single round from this gunJan 08, 11 · The ammo is obviously seriously limited, the damage doesn't seem to be quite as impressive as it was in Fallout 3 and overall you're much better off with the YCS/186 which doesn't spawn

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Compared to the guass rifle itself, the YCS/186's only disadvantage is that it's a tiny bit heavier Otherwise it's an all around better weapon Higher damage, higher accuracy (not that it matters), and better durability, and it only takes 4 cells to fire rather than 5 Not a huge ammo difference, but that will add upFeb 08, 13 · For your choice of weapon, I personally prefer either the Gauss Rifle (you can find the unique YCS/186 Gauss Rifle in a mercenary camp), Laser RCW and Pulse Gun The Pulse Gun is used to take outNov 28, 17 · This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Fallout New Vegas Dead Money for Xbox 360If you've discovered a

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Mar 02, 21 · I then added the scope and barrel from the YCS/186 unique Gauss Rifle Apocrypha Lorewise, I imagine this gun was a rejected entry in a US Army procurement trial looking to replace the M72 Gauss rifle that we see in Fallout 2 In my headcanon, the Germanmade M72 was excellent but expensive, and the Army was looking to replace it withJan 30, 15 · Gauss Rifle YCS/186 At the Mercenary Camp;Jan 17, 21 · 대부분의 유니크 무기가 원본과 비교하면 한 두개 쯤은 성능이 부족한 부분이 있는데, ycs/186은 원본보다 무게가 1파운드 증가했다는 사소한 단점을 제외하면 가우스 소총의 완벽한 상위 호환이다

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Nukapedia The Fallout Wiki is a community that aims to create the best resource for the Fallout series of games, including Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 4, Fallout 76 and their spinoffs, such as Fallout Tactics and Fallout ShelterMoving my cursor very slowly I managed to select it and the YCS/186 was contained within Can anyone else pop in there and see if it's there with the Wild Wasteland perk from the start and make sure I didn't get a really really weird glitch?Jan 26, 19 · Without Wild Wasteland, you'll find that one of the mercenaries has the YCS/186, an incredibly powerful variant of the Gauss Rifle if your character has a high energy stat But with Wild Wasteland, you'll instead find the wreckage of an alien spaceship (this is Fallout, after all) containing the Alien Blaster, a far less useful weapon

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Mar 03, 21 · The gun, otherwise known as the Alien Blaster, can be found just north of Horowitz Farmstead and is only available to those with the Wild Wasteland trait, or the player will find a YCS/186 GaussApr 13, 21 · Answers No, it is not possible to get both the YCS186 and the Alien Blaster in a single run If you visit the area near Horowitz Homestead and claim the unique gauss rifle before going to the SinkKicking off my Fallout New Vegas Videos is YCS/186, a unique Gauss rifle that can be obtained by shooting some guy that just happens to be holding this weapo

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I dont like our new jungle garage, old garage was much more realistic looking, it had spotlights all around your tank so lighting was even from every angle and it looked so much better IMO I used to spend quite a lot time just admiring all my beatifulOct 07, 10 · YCS/186 I picked this up the other day, this is also where I discovered near Sloan there are enough deathclaws to gain Abominable (killing the ones in the quarry, and near Junction 15 Railway Station) This gun carried me through that entire quest at lvl 11 Mictlantecuhtli 0011, November 2, 10 (UTC)Feb 13, 21 · In New Vegas there's a specific location that provides the player with a unique weapon However the weapon you receive depends on if you have selected the Wild Wasteland trait at the character creation section at the beginning of the game You can either get, The YCS/186 Unique Gauss Rifle Without Wild Wasteland

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In Fnv To Obtain The Unique Gauss Rifle Called The Ycs 186 Head To The Brook S Tumble Weed Ranch And Head East Until You find A Mercenary Camp There Will Be Enemy Mercenaries
Experience all the sights and sounds of fabulous New Vegas, brought to you by VaultTec, America's First Choice in Post Nuclear Simulation Explore the treacherous wastes of the Great Southwest from the safety and comfort of your very own vault Meet new people, confront terrifying creatures, and arm yourself with the latest hightech weaponry as you make a name for yourselfFeb 22, 16 · Old garage (Xbox One/PS4) posted in Game Suggestions Anybody else missing old military hangar garage (preupdate 45)?It's a unique version of the Gauss Rifle and it is a beast Check out my personal channel https//wwwyoutubecom/user/ssdmi

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If you find product , DealsIf at the time will discount more Savings So you already decide you want have Winchester Rifle Mechanism for your, but you don't know where to get the best price for this Winchester Rifle Mechanism We already done the research and spend a lot of time for youWild Wasteland trait must not be taken Grenade Machinegun Mercy On the floor of Dead Wind Cavern, near a dead BoS Paladin Grenade Rifle ThumpOct 23, 10 · One of them will have the "YCS/186" energy weapon Using MF cells it does 104 DMG and 363 DPS for my character with an energy weapons skill of around 50 Posted by Zordnil on 05 Aug 12 at 2234

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